30 June 2009

I Don't Know...

This has been my answer to a lot of questions I've been asked in life and my answer as to what the hell I'm doing with a blog. I've never been one to do a lot of computer/online type stuff but I've been told that blogging is the thing to do to get yourself out there and let people know who you are. So here I am.

My goal with this blog is to promote myself and my photography to as many people as I can and hope that a few actually like it. I'll also be able to use this as a way to answer a lot of questions I often get asked when people are looking at my photography. With every picture I'll list my field notes (technical and location info) as well as any story or facts that I find interesting, if you don't, I'm sorry for your luck but you must read because there will be a quiz at the end of each section. If you haven't figured it out, and you will, I have a very corny sense of humor that I've inherited from my father.

My photography is both digital and film. I print all of my own film photographs in a traditional darkroom and final prints will be scanned in order to be published online. The only computer tool I use is Digital Photo Professional. I only adjust things on a digital print that I could adjust in a darkroom (i.e. brightness, contrast, etc...); if I can't do it in a darkroom, I don't do it on a computer. For those that have made Photoshop your best friend, that's your thing and your vision as an artist, it's just not for me. My goal is to make my prints as true to real life as I can. The photographer I admire most and model my own work after is the wonderful Ansel Adams. His prints were true to life and a little over dramatic as was the landscapes he was photographing a lot of the time. As for color photography, Michael Fatali is number one in my book. Again this is a man that has captured life true to form with a mastery few can rival.

Anyway, I hope everyone will enjoy my photography and please remember, Photoshop is the devil (I guess they'll not be wanting ad space on my blog).